Education Services
Two private academies offering educational services for children who have behavioral issues, varied educational needs, an Individualized Education Plan, and are referred by their home school district. The academic school programs serve our residential clients as well as children who live in the surrounding communities where their needs cannot be met in a traditional school setting.

CHOR Day Academy
CHOR Day Academy is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as a private academic school.
The academy serves children grades five through twelve who have special and alternative education needs that can be better met in an alternative setting.
CHOR Day Academy
Is designed to help students bridge educational “gaps” while working toward the completion of required credits for the school year.
Our goal is to provide students with a well balanced educational and therapeutic program to move them toward academic success. The education team is comprised of special education teachers, a certified reading specialist, teachers aids, and behavioral support staff.
The school days run from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM and provides instruction in major subjects of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students also receive career counseling, health education, and technology instruction. The student’s home school district is involved in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and the Evaluation Report (ER) as part of compliance with federal and state laws. Our staff communicates with the student’s school district to assure proper school credits and a smooth transition of students back into the home school district.

Centre Avenue Academy
Centre Avenue Academy
Strictly works with the children who are in our Residential Programs. The Centre Avenue Academy was refurbished in 2011 to provide state-of-the-art technology and instruction. Handicap accessible.
Classrooms / Instructions
Technology – Laptops and Smartboards provide high-tech support
Centers-based – 3 centers in each classroom provide
Traditional Instruction
Individualized Computer Learning
Project-based Learning – supplements instruction
Individualized Academic Assessment
School-wide Positive Behavior System
Integration of Electives
Art, Phys Ed, Music